Friday, 21 March 2014

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

When researching media distribution companies various differences between the companies became apparent. The purpose of a media distribution company is to promote a media product and this would typically be thought of as a task to be completed by a well-known, rich company. However, independent media distribution companies also have a high success rate when popularising media products. Independent media distribution companies, such as Kaleidoscope, appeared to be more open to new and individual ideas that may have little or no support, but a strong initial idea. For this reason, I decided our thriller would be most suited to being distributed by an independent company, as we would be entering the market as unknown directors and writers without a proven success record. To be given a chance by a major media distribution company it is more likely that a director or writer of a thriller would have had to have success with a previous idea, so investees, such as the distribution company would be sure to make money and not lose it. Independent media distribution companies however, are more open to new individuals with ideas for scripts or directing ideas and its for this reason they would suit our thriller.
Another reason an independent distributor such as Kaleidoscope would distribute our media product would be due to their recent success with similar psychological thrillers; a reason they would be looking to find other thrillers to distribute. Having founded an audience, similar to our target audience, and a knowledge for distributing psychological thrillers, Kaleidoscope's a ready made distribution company suiting our exact product.

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